Whether your child has a visible disability (i.e. requires a wheelchair, wears coke bottle glasses, or is missing a limb,) or an invisible one (i.e. Spectrum disorder, mood disorder, hypersensitivity, hearing issues, a learning disability, etc.), parenting can be extremely challenging.
Parents are often completely exhausted by the twists and turns of the journey required to even get to an accurate diagnosis! Add in worrying, caretaking, advocating, scheduling, or chauffeuring, and overwhelm can become a constant companion.
To help combat these draining emotions, I guide you through a powerful but simple 4 week virtual course. I not only teach some survival skills, but I also give you the space and permission to look at your OWN needs.
If you would like to learn more about caring for yourself as well as you do your disabled child, please reach out to me for a free 30 minute consult.
Email: anne@reidcoaching.com
Please put “parenting course” in the subject line!
“True success should be measured by how happy you are.”
- Sir Richard Branson, Billionaire
Being happy is a superpower and creates more success, better health, and deeper relationships.
Happy people typically have better mental and physical health, more energy, larger social networks, effective coping skills, and are more likely to work towards new goals. You can begin to be happier today.
Happiness creates success, not the other way around. This mindset leads to more creativity, increased motivation, better relationships with coworkers, and less absenteeism.
Get the skills
Manage your Mind
Choose thoughts which increase happiness. Override your brain’s fight-or-flight operating system to create context to work through fear and embrace challenges.
Achieve Success
Fulfill professional and personal objectives: uncover internal road blocks, facilitate a plan to meet goals, learn new skills, and access more energy and motivation.
Live Joyfully
What makes YOU happy? Success? Travel? Quality time with loved ones? Explore what is most important to you and design your life around your core desires.
One-on-one coaching available now. Group classes beginning soon.

“You can't wait until life isn't hard anymore before you decide to be happy." Jane Marczewski, singer living with terminal cancer
Hi, I’m Anne Reid
Certified Coach. Speaker. Workshop leader. Friend. Sister. Aunt. Pet Mom. Avid outdoors person. Gardner. Purveyor of Truth. Accountability partner. Change agent. And, lived experience as a Mom of children with disabilities!!!
Certified as both a Life and an Executive Coach, I am passionate about the benefit of happiness in all areas of our lives. I teach “Happiness Skills” to my clients and help mitigate pain points or areas of dissatisfaction. My style as a change catalyst is to be an educator, a purveyor of truth, and an accountability partner.
In my own experience being coached (I practice what I preach!), I have been amazed at the things I am achieving, and how happy I am in my very imperfect life.
As Nightbirde (AGT contestant Jane Marczewski) said about her attitude towards living with terminal cancer, “You can't wait until life isn't hard anymore before you decide to be happy."
Are you ready?
Kind words
I had never thought of my level of happiness as being something I could work to make better. Anne taught me techniques that helped me understand how important being consciously connected to my family, business associates, and community was to my overall happiness. Due to her coaching, I have made a stronger effort to be a more compassionate and interested contributor to my world. This deepened commitment has brought me a level of satisfaction I had not before experienced.
Tom, Surveyor
I have worked closely with Anne for several years, and I can’t believe the impact she has had on my life. She has shifted me from believing that success will make me happy to being happy will create success. Happiness works as my Super Power, and I have more energy, greater motivation, better relationships, and attract more good things to my life. It’s transformational!
Geraldy J, Owner of Unleash Your Sales Greatness
I have been faced with challenges in my life that were totally unexpected and greatly affected the dynamic of my life in many aspects. I reached out to Anne for clarity. She helped me to focus in on my major concerns and base my decisions on several points.
Anne guided me in a way that allowed me to stay true to my values and what is ideally best for me. I'm very grateful to Anne and her abilities as a coach.
Tim, Chiropractor
Anne and I have been peers in two coaching training programs, and she has coached me many times over the years. She is good at showing me how I’m avoiding feeling uncomfortable - and frequently offers me new ways of looking at things.
Anne’s lovingly direct and insightful coaching taught me new ways of looking at how life is 50% great and 50% not so great at times. She has shared skills and tools to deal with the not great parts and how to be enjoy the happy parts more.
Stacy P, Dating Coach
Anne intuitively seems to know when to push me and when I am incapable of dealing with one more thing. Her unfailing, non-judgmental support, and gentle reminders to stay focused help me achieve my goals.
Kay C, International Business Consultant