A First Responder Creates Community and Connection

I love the quote, sometimes attributed to Winston Churchill, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”. In my opinion, First Responders are the very definition of making a life through giving – their time, energy, expertise, and sometimes lives. The bonus is that this activity, while keeping their community safe and sound, also creates a great sense of connection with fellow first responders and the people they serve.

The philosopher Aristotle was a great student of “happiness”, and in fact, defined 4 levels of it.  Level 1 is Laetus – happiness from  material objects (think retail therapy).  Level 2 is Felix – Ego Gratification. Happiness through positively comparing self to others such as winning in sports or getting the best grades.  Level 3 is Beatitudo – happiness from doing good deeds and making the world a better place.  Level 4 -Sublime Beatitudo – Ultimate happiness – usually connecting to the larger universe. 

I had a discussion with my guest Chris Watson who is a First Responder, about how he volunteers as an EMT, Search and Rescue, and as a firefighter, and how that fulfilled his Level 3 needs. He also mentioned the neurotransmitter, Vasopressin that creates a bonding effect with other First Responders when dealing with an emergency. Vasopressin is known to support behaviors needed for guarding and caring for others. Helping others can also trigger the release of oxytocin, which can boost moods. Having higher levels of oxytocin, makes you want to help others!

You can catch Chris’s and my discussion here:



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