Making Decisions
Do you struggle with making decisions? Do you feel like you have to make the “perfect “one? (News flash: Let go of this concept because it’s not possible!!! ) Do you think each decision is irrevocable? Do you get stuck between it’s either Answer A or Answer B with no awareness that there could be a solution in-between?
Every day we are charged with deciding many things; most we make without thinking too much. However, “big” ones can be stressful. For example, do you put your home (or something else you have to sell) on the market in a crazy time of high demand/low volume and sky-high prices? Maybe yes or maybe no. Many factors need to be considered: where will you live next, will you make money on the sale, will it decrease your stress to divest, are you emotionally ready, will your child have to change school for their senior year, etc.
What if you gave yourself the grace of looking at the process as making the “best” decision based on the information you have at the time? This mind shift frees up energy and improves clarity which ultimately leads to better decisions. Yes, it can be difficult to sell a family home, but if you have decided to take this course of action after weighing all factors, it will be a good decision. Accept it is normal to feel both sad and relieved at the same time. Also know that there may be some reverse Seller’s remorse as your brain reminds you of all the things you love about your current place and how hard packing will be. (Remember, our primal brain is just doing its job of avoiding change and conserving energy. And packing does take energy!)
It’s OK to simultaneously feel both positively and negatively about your decision; you are human.